Employers Group Trust - Vision (EVT) is our proprietary Amwins vision solution. EVT offers access to the largest provider of vision care in the country - VSP. Benefits are accessible through 81,000+ access points. EVT underwriting, issue, billing and administration are performed by Amwins Group Benefits, Inc. with claims paid by VSP.
Plan Highlights
- Group plans for 2+ lives
- Voluntary plans for 10+ enrolled employees
- Carve out groups are permitted with prior underwriting approval
- VSP services more than 56 million total members
- VSP Provider Lookup
Glasses & Sunglasses
- Average 20-25% savings on all non-covered lens options
- 20% off additional glasses and sunglasses, including lens options
- From the same VSP doctor on the same day as the WellVision Exam
- 15% off contact lens exam (fitting and evaluation)
Laser Vision Correction
- Average 15-20% off the regular price or 5% off the promotional price at VSP contracted facilities
Employers Vision Trust Documents
Additional Vision Carrier Partners
Carrier Information, Provider Lookup, Pharmacy Lookup, Websites & more.