We are happy to announce that Aetna has reached an agreement with Optum Health effective April 1, 2022, for their California HMO, PPO and POS networks. This new contract will restore in-network access to the following Optum providers previously terminated from Aetna’s networks on January 1, 2022: AppleCare, Monarch, EPIC and PrimeCare.
HMO members who want to change their primary care provider (PCP) to an Optum Health provider can contact Member Services on or after April 1, 2022, at the phone number listed on the back of their ID card. They can also change their PCP by logging into their Aetna member website on or after April 1, 2022.
The agreement with Optum Health provides for a sustainable network of quality providers that will enable Aetna to deliver healthcare at an affordable price for their valued membership.