Blue Shield released a producer alert, “Blue Shield of California Summary of ARPA COBRA Provisions,” summarizing their stance on ARPA COBRA provisions. Below is a snippet verbatim on how they will administer Cal-COBRA subsidy payments for eligible individuals:
Blue Shield of California is the Cal-COBRA administrator and will administer a COBRA subsidy payment including administrative fee, for coverage months between 4/1/21 and 9/30/21 for qualified subsidy participants, recovery and provide expiration notice. Within 45 to 15 days prior to the subsidy expiration date, Blue Shield will send a notice to individuals providing them with the date their COBRA subsidy will end, and that they may be eligible to continue coverage without COBRA premium assistance through COBRA continuation coverage or group health coverage. This notice requirement does not apply where subsidy eligibility expires due to the individual’s eligibility for coverage under another employer-sponsored plan or Medicare.