Prepare for Q1 2025 with Florida Blue, Truli for Health, and Florida Health Care Plans.
Quoting is now available!
Rate Impact
Plan Type | Statewide average |
Florida Blue Full HMO | 3.2% |
Florida Blue Limited HMO | -0.4% |
Florida Blue Full HMO HSA | 4.0% |
Florida Blue Full PPO | 2.6% |
Florida Blue Full PPO HSA | 2.6% |
FHCP Full HMO | 3.9% |
FHCP Full HMO HSA | 4.9% |
FHCP Full POS | 3.7% |
FHCP Full POS HSA | 5.4% |
Truli Limited HMO | 0.9% |
Truli Limited HMO HSA | 1.3% |
Care where you need it
Network | County Availability |
BlueOptions | 67 |
BlueCare | 45 |
BlueSelect | 36 | New: Manatee, DeSoto, and Hendry Counties |
SimplyBlue | 41 | New: Taylor and Union Counties |
Truli | 18 |
FHCP | 5 |
Plan Map
Based on feedback, Florida Blue has adjusted their portfolio for 2025 and retired five low-enrollment plans.
Retired Plan | Mapped Plan |
SimplyBlue 20853 | SimplyBlue 19853 |
SimplyBlue21854 | SimplyBlue 21852 |
BlueOptions 16051 | BlueOptions 14056 |
BlueCare 16301 | BlueCare 14306 |
BlueSelect16551 | BlueSelect 14556 |
Additional plans have been adjusted to met actuarial value.
Note: 2025 plans are pending approval.
Members can earn more with Florida Blue's Rewards Program
Members can earn rewards that are loaded to a pre-paid card. Rewards are earned through personal challenges and keeping up to date with healthcare and wellness. As long as members are covered on a qualifying Florida Blue plan, the rewards won't expire.
Truli for Health
Are you ready to bring this competitive options to your groups? Designed for small and mid-sized businesses, Truli is available in 18 counties and can be sold as a stand-alone plan or packaged with Florida Blue HMO and PPO plans.
To find the right solution for your groups, contact your Amwins Connect Regional Sales Manager.