Jul 09, 2020
Oscar Health is continuing relaxed underwriting guidelines through Q4.
Relaxed Participation
- As long as there are fewer than 100 employees in all locations, only those in Oscar’s service area are counted toward participation (Los Angeles and Orange Counties: rating regions 15, 16, 18)
Relaxed Split Carrier Participation
- Only three eligible employees need to enroll with Oscar as long as 60% enroll in a plan offered by the employer
- Oscar can be written alongside any carrier or plan type ˗ HMO, PPO, or EPO
No Required DE 9C
- Groups must enroll five employees or more
- Groups must supply the prior carrier’s bill, revealing that 80% of employees match the present enrollment
- Groups are still eligible for this promotion if they have more than five eligible employees, but fewer than five are enrolled due to valid waivers
IFP Coverage Is A Valid Waiver
- An individual does not need to be receiving a subsidy (APTC) to be considered to have a valid waiver
Contact your LISI Regional Sales Manager for more information.