Sutter Health Plus offers employer groups the option of purchasing acupuncture and chiropractic benefits directly with ACN Group of California (ACN).
Sutter Health Plus recently learned that ACN sent certain plan subscribers a letter regarding 2021 employer group premium rebates. They are sharing the following information to help answer questions you may receive.
Why did ACN send the letters?
Insurance companies are required to spend a certain amount of premium dollars (85% for large groups and 80% for small groups) on healthcare services. Insurance companies that spend less than the required amount must pay the difference to clients at the group level and notify subscribers about the rebates.
Who received the letters from ACN?
ACN only sent letters to subscribers with employers that purchased optional acupuncture or chiropractic riders with ACN.
Why didn’t the notice come from Sutter Health Plus?
While Sutter Health Plus collects the monthly premiums from employers on behalf of ACN, the contractual relationship is between the employer and ACN. Sutter Health Plus did not have advance notice that the letters were being sent.
Who will receive the rebates?
ACN will send the rebates directly to the employer groups. Sutter Health Plus is coordinating with ACN on this process.
Who should an employer group contact for more details about their rebate?
Employers can contact UnitedHealthcare (parent organization for ACN) at 1-855-820-8016 or visit its MLR Website.