Heat up the Competition with CoPower
The technology boom brought with it fierce competition to attract and retain top talent. Forward-thinking companies are reimagining the compensation package by offering perks like a paid year of paren...
Q2 2018 Updates from Sharp Health Plan
Sharp Health Plan has released new HMO rates for effective dates April–June 2018. HMO plans will increase 0.6%. If you are looking at PPO options with Sharp, keep in mind that the rates released Janua...
Q2 2018 Updates from UnitedHealthcare
UnitedHealthcare has released new rates for effective dates April–June 2018. HMO plans have received a rate pass, while PPO plans will increase 5% (statewide average). Be sure to talk to your LISI Reg...
Q2 2018 Updates from Health Net
There are no plan benefit changes, and PPOs receive a rate pass. For HMO/HSP plans, Health Net reports an annual renewal change of -2.2%. However, we report a statewide average increase of 0.9% for Fu...
DOL Issues Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Expanding Association Health Plans
The Department of Labor (DOL) has released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that would allow for the expansion of Association Health Plans (AHPs). The proposed rules are in response to an execut...
Q2 2018 Updates from Anthem Blue Cross
Anthem Blue Cross reports no rate or benefit changes for Q2 2018. With a rate pass and underwriting promotions extended through June 15, 2018, Anthem is a good carrier to consider including in your qu...
Getting Glasses Has Never Been Easier
If you wear glasses, you know what a time-consuming process it can be. Make an appointment. Hope you find a pair that suits you. Second-guess the style. The list goes on! CoPower is here to make the e...
VSP Fire Assistance in California
VSP® Vision Care wants to help those affected by fires and is working directly with VSP network doctors, business partners, and relief agencies, including the American Red Cross, to assess the situati...
PrimePay Promotions through January 31
PrimePay is rolling out year-end promotional pricing for some of their core solutions. The promotion runs for new business submitted for November 1, 2017 through January 31, 2018 and is as follows: ...
UnitedHealthcare Q1 2018 Portfolio and Rate Updates
UnitedHealthcare has released their January 1, 2018 rate and portfolio updates. Quoting is now available in HealthConnect. These changes are valid from January through March 2018. Rate Updates S...
Anthem Blue Cross Q1 2018 Updates
Anthem Blue Cross released Q1 2018 rates. Statewide average quarterly rates report a decrease of 0.4% for PPO plans and an increase of 2.4% for HMO plans. Dental and vision plans report no increase. ...
Blue Shield of California Q1 2018 Updates
Give your small group clients more product and network choices with new tools for brokers designed for faster service. Growing networks for more choice Blue Shield of California's Trio ACO HMO N...
Blue Shield of California Corrected Age Attainment Calculation for New and Existing Groups
Blue Shield of California implemented a correction for the age calculation of new employees. Last year, they discovered that they had not rated Small Business new hire subscribers correctly because of...
Single Payer Bill Placed on Hold Until Further Notice
Senate Bill 562 has been placed on hold. According to California Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, "SB 562 was sent to the Assembly woefully incomplete." Consequently, he's paused the advance of this...
Anthem Blue Cross HSA Benefit Update
In order to meet HSA qualifications, Anthem Blue Cross has made adjustments to the following HSA Qualified plans: Anthem Silver PPO 2000/20%/5400 w/HSA - RxC, Anthem Silver Select PPO 2000/20%/5...
Reminder Regarding Blue Shield’s Master Application
In compliance with the final Notice of Benefits and Payment Parameters (NBPP) for 2017, Blue Shield of California rates small groups using the group policyholder’s “principal business address.” P...
Aetna Announces Addition of Providence Health & Services to Aetna Whole Health Networks
In addition to Santa Clara County IPA and MemorialCare, Aetna is introducing a new collaboration between Aetna and Providence Health & Services that brings the triple aim of accountable care (bett...
TriNet PEO Overview Webinar
LISI would like to inform you that TriNet is hosting an exclusive webinar that will allow you to learn more about TriNet and what separates them from the other PEO’s in your market. Their goal is to b...