CCSB has announced an SEP extension from the standard November 15th through December 15th period and will now accept submissions all the way through December 31, 2019.
During this period, new small...
CCSB is committed to providing you with the tools and resources you need to manage your business. They have recently announced a new portal enhancement feature, which allows agents and employers to ad...
Blue Shield of California will allow eligible employees and/or their dependents, who previously declined coverage in 2019, to enroll for January 1, 2020 coverage to comply with Senate Bill 78,
Beginning with the 2020 plan year, Blue Shield of California Trio and Tandem members get their first at home doctor visit free. With Heal, members can schedule a doctor house call from 8:00AM to 8:00P...
Anthem Blue Cross captures portfolio changes that you should be aware of in their 2020 Highlights Flyer. They feature three new PPO plan designs that offer more price points and first dollar copays on...
Anthem Blue Cross is offering group employees, who previously declined coverage, another chance to enroll for January 1, 2020 under a new Special Enrollment Period required by a new state law, SB78.
CaliforniaChoice® has good news for groups with out of state employees! Beginning December 1, 2019, Anthem Blue Cross EPO plans will be available to out-of-state employees for new and renewing groups....
Under California Senate Bill 78, residents who don’t have qualifying health insurance coverage beginning January 1, 2020 will be subject to a tax penalty of $695 or more, unless they qualify for an ex...
Anthem Blue Cross has reached a multi-year agreement with Beaver Medical Group (under Epic Management) effective January 1, 2020.
Beaver Medical Group provides services to members in the Inland Empi...
Sutter Health Plus is expanding their service area in Santa Clara County effective January 1, 2020 and adding 15 new ZIP codes. The expansion will provide more convenient access to care for members in...
Help small group employees avoid tax penalties.
A new California law requires all state residents to have health coverage in 2020 or face state tax penalties. To help your clients’ employees avoid ...
Principal, VSP Vision Care, and Delta Dental of California have all reached out to support Californians who are affected by the wildfires in Sonoma, Ventura, and Los Angeles Counties.